Some subscribers on the T149-L list have expressed concern over the volume of email. Their concerns stem from the use of computers and email accounts at their workplaces. There are also a few who just do not like a lot of email, but feel that they need to remain on T149-L to be informed about troop activities.
Many Listserv lists have stringent rules for use. Some even require posts be sent to a moderator for approval before the post is released to the list. Overbearing restrictions can stifle open communications and lead to an inactive, useless list.
Our goal is to keep the volume of our email to a reasonably low level while fostering appropriate communication for the good of the Troop.
These simple guidelines can reduce the volume of email:
These are guidelines. They are not rules. Not every subscriber on the list will be able to comply with every guideline – due to software restrictions or a lack of understanding. However, if we all do our best, we can reduce volume without sacrificing the functionality of our list.